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Unable to use UNIX timestamp for locktime on testnet

I am trying to create a timelock transaction, but I am unable to use a UNIX timestamp on testnet. However, if I use a block height the transaction works.

When I use a block height that is in the future and broadcast the transaction, I get:

sendrawtransaction RPC error: {"code":-26,"message":"non-final"}

When the block height is reached, the transaction goes through as expected.

When I make the locktime above 500,000,000 I get a different message:

"non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Locktime requirement not satisfied)"

I have tried several different random timestamps from various years (2013, 2020) and I get the same error message. If I make the transaction with a large locktime like 400,000,000 I get the expected "non-final" message. It only happens when I go over the 500,000,000 minimum.

I have decoded both transactions, and the only noticable difference is the locktime.

Here is the raw transaction with the UNIX timestamp from 2013:


Here is the raw transaction with block height:


from Recent Questions - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
November 07, 2022 at 06:09AM

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